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921 | holy mess

“…but the very defenses that made him safe also kept him from feeling pain, joy, and longing.” ( Will & Spirit, Gerald G. May)

September was a trip. Got certified in UX Design. Made this month’s demo, Book Report, on my lunch breaks to wrestle through some heavy silence in my walk with the Lord. Holding my camera curiously again. Made a big mistake. Experiencing bigger grace. Caring a frighteningly little amount in keeping up in our inhumane-pace-of-American-life. Holding things looser than ever - it feel like freedom and failure all at once.

Need photos? I’d love to take them. Want a weird table? I do weird well. Produce/Master/Make music? I need help. Need a partner in a creative endeavor? Twist my arm.

All the support… it means so much! Cya next month. -M.

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